Thursday, June 25, 2009

Observations from a Sci-fi fan

Why is it that aliens who visit earth will invariable be one of two types: They either do all they can to wipe us out or shake their head sadly and tell us how it’s just amazing we haven’t blown ourselves up due to how completely barbaric a people we are. Or, at the very least, they derive great pleasure from belittling us because we have still have incurable diseases and burn fossil fuels. Just once I’d like a spaceship to land on someone’s front lawn and bring us a tall three-headed, green-skinned creature that has always dreamed of joining us here on Earth because we the coolest race in the galaxy. Also, how is it that every alien in the galaxy has a superb mastery of the English language? I understand that the Fi in Sci-Fi means fiction, but it is kind of a stretch when the overlords of the Andromeda Galaxy can speak English better than most Americans (although admittedly, it would be very hard to do much worse!)

Despite great advances in technology, humans of the future will invariably be really stupid. "Hey, I just found an unknown, odd, bizarrely pulsating alien object. I’m going to open it up and stick my hand (and/or) face in it to see what happens." "Well looky here! An alien civilization much more powerful and advanced than our own was wiped out by an even more powerful and advanced weapon/disease/unknown force… Let’s go and check it out!" "Hmm, an alien/cyborg/zombie is killing everyone on the ship with ruthless efficiency. I think I’ll wander down this dark corridor alone and check out that strange noise I heard. If I run into any trouble, I have a small caliber, slow loading weapon so I will be fine."

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