Sunday, June 28, 2009

80's TV

Miami Vice
Arguably the best show to come out of the 80's. I learned more history (from the original expedition of Ponce de Leon to the Vietnam war) by watching this show than I ever did in school . This show was actually ahead of its time in a lot of ways...using the "flawed hero" concept for Crockett, multi-season story arcs, and Castillo even predicted the fall of the Soviet Union! Sadly, real life in Miami is nowhere near as cool as this show made it out do be. You just don't see a lot of the stuff the show depicted: cars with gull-wing doors, European bikini models willing to having drinks with complete strangers, good honest cops...But what it lacked in authenticity it more than made up for in the sound track department. 80's music is probably the pinnacle of perfection, proven by the fact that since around 1992 all music has progressively sucked worse and worse. I dare not think about whatever evil awaits us at the end of this black hole we call musical evolution. Judging by the quality of the "American Idol" winners (and the very existence of that show for that matter), I fear the cataclysmic apocalypse...the one referred to in ever holy scripture known to upon us! ....wait a second....Jesus! How did I go from Miami Vice to this?

After a military tribunal found these special forces veterans guilty of a crime they didn't commit, they were forced to hide in the Los Angeles underground. When you consider the enormous amount of war crimes and atrocities committed in Vietnam (by both sides), you have to believe they pulled one hell of a doosey. I doubt the government would bother hunting for water buffalo poachers."Howling Mad Murdoch" was mildly entertaining, with his mediocre impressions. As for "Face"...listen, if your going to nickname yourself after a body part then you should put a little more thought into it. There are so many creative directions I would have gone...Mr. T, the heart and soul of the entire show, was the best. Without him, the show might as well have been called "Buncha white guys in a van". I'll admit, though, that When you're trying to remain inconspicuous, hanging around a black bodybuilder, with a mohawk and 10 pounds of gold around his neck, is NOT the way to do it. He stands out as eccentric even in LA. If nothing else, I take great comfort in knowing that wherever there are fools who don't floss or save for retirement, Mr. T is there to take pity on them.

Dukes of Hazard
This show is what living in the rural South is all about! Fat, corrupt Sheriff? Check. Prominent display of the confederate flag? Check. Hot, borderline trailer trash girl in cutoffs? Check. In Hazard county, Georgia, the General Lee was the real star. I can speak from experience that cars with doors welded shut are not especially uncommon in the South...nor are cars that have horns who play Dixie. I can also verify from experience that this show got a lot of things right....for instance: 1.) The omniscient, dis-embodied voice of Waylon Jennings knows better than you. 2.) One can never have too many cousins. 3.) "Cooter", despite the fact your common sense would tell you otherwise, is a perfectly respectable nickname 4.) Dodge Chargers can jump any ravine so long as the driver yells "Yee Haw"! 5.) And this is perhaps most important...When in doubt simply yell "Yee Haw!" and floor it. As long as you keep that in mind, the mountain may get you, but the law never will.

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